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Library Renovation Minutes 05/19/10
MAY 19, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairperson Diane Hornaday in the Avon Room Town Hall Building 1. Members present: Chairperson Diane Hornaday, Diane Carney, Secretary David Goldsholl, Barbara Leonard, Scott Boos and J. Tad Kuziak. Member absent: Janet Stokesbury.  Also in attendance were Town Manager Brandon Roberston, Library Director Virginia Vocelli, Architect Peter Wells and Enterprise Builders Operations Manager Michael McNaboe.
Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to accept the April 7th meeting minutes as presented. Mr. Boos abstained as he was absent from the previous meeting.
Mr. Robertson relayed that the State Bond Commission meeting scheduled for May 28th has been cancelled.  He added that to date, the June 28th meeting would still be held.
Mr. McNaboe is working with Mr. Wells to prepare the construction documents to go out to bid. He added that they were on task except in the area of sheeting which, in order to save money, will require a slight re-design of the basement foundation. Mr. Wells explained that sheeting is the temporary restraint used to hold soil or water back when excavating. It is then removed and used again in a different location. Mr. McNaboe further explained the need to re-feed the utilities to use while the Library is kept open during construction. He added that there would be a few shutdowns during construction as well. Mr. Goldsholl questioned whether he was comfortable with the time-line. Mr. McNaboe said they were still analyzing the project and the time of the year would affect the start date. He added that he was still on target for the project’s duration of 13 months, however, utility tie-ins and working with concrete in frozen ground would add cost to the project.
Mr. Wells said the soil report had come back and showed a beach sand material. In order to save the expense of underpinnings, Mr. Wells suggested building a new outer wall foundation around the existing one. He lowered the ceiling to floor height from 12’ to 10’. Mr. Boos added that the height change will save money on the foundation. Mr. Wells also said that moisture is not a concern as the water table is very low meaning he could use a standard waterproofing. The collection of rainwater was discussed. Mr. Kuziak felt it a good idea to collect water for re-use in the sprinkler system or for flushing toilets. Mr. Wells cautioned that an auxiliary system would still be needed to supply water when there was none collected.
Mr. Wells removed two staircases from the first floor plan. Code requires two egresses so he kept one at the entrance and added a fire escape staircase on the other side of non-fiction. He moved the history and computer rooms slightly and re-laid out most of the furniture. The control stays the same with positioning the reference and circulation desks. Mr. Wells asked the members for ideas for the courtyard. Paving the area could endanger the ratio of pervious to impervious ground cover. Mr. Boos suggested a permeable concrete cover. Mr. Wells related that Mr. Kushner (Planning & Zoning) said the spirit of the law was to be green, not pervious. Ms. Hornaday suggested a waterfall as to soothe the patrons. The members were very pleased with the re-design.
Mr. Wells continued with the changes to the second floor design. He slightly reconfigured the pre-school area. He also explained that the addition would be independently supported from the existing structure and filled with a seismic joint at the area where old meets new. This keeps the engineers from going back to re-engineer the existing structure to meet the current seismic standards. Mr. Boos questioned whether folding partitions would be included. Mr. Wells said they could as an alternate but the plan would include tracks to accommodate ones in the future.
The committee members discussed front door options. Ms. Vocelli suggested using the door off the community room hall as a possible night exit. Automatic opening doors or power assisted doors were discussed. Handicapped push buttons create an attraction for children to push. Ms. Hornaday mentioned the heat loss of doors opening and also cold air blowing on the staff at the circulation desk. Mr. Wells cautioned against revolving doors as often patrons had arms full or were pushing strollers. Ms. Carney suggested the members look at doors for useful design ideas in their travels.
Mr. Wells added that they may still be able to use the existing septic system as a cost savings. Mr. Boos questioned whether the windows would be replaced. Mr. Wells said perhaps some could be saved but also added that some had broken thermal seals, leaked or did not operate properly. He said the interior wood trim would remain.
Mr. Roberston discussed the invoice to be paid. Schematic and Design Development are 100% complete. 40% of the Construction Documents is complete. The additional monies for IT and Interior Design consultants for Tuthill & Wells are now due. Mr. Robertson recommended payment of the Tuthill & Wells invoice 3894A, dated 5/3/10, in the amount of $124,168.85.
Mr. Kuziak motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to put in for payment the Tuthill & Wells invoice 3894A. None opposed.
Mr. Goldsholl questioned whether the committee was doing everything it could to stay on target. Mr. Boos relayed that what he gathered from the last Town Council meeting is that the project is going forward. Ms. Hornaday said the Town Council feels it a duty to the residents to do everything they can to get the grant money. She added too that in dealing with the State, the Town Council wants to show that Avon is very interested in obtaining the money for the project, but cautioned that the minute the State felt Avon was going forward with the project she feared we’d be marked off the grant list. She too feels the Town Council is very interested in the project.
The next regular meeting scheduled for June 2nd is cancelled. The committee is scheduled to meet for the next scheduled meeting of June 16th at 7:00PM in the Avon Room.
Ms. Hornaday asked Mr. Robertson to explain the budget thus far. To date, he said we have basically spent 1% of the budget. Approval of the latest invoice would push that amount to over 2% of budget. Current payments are being made from pooled cash from other capital projects that are waiting to be executed until BANS (bond anticipation notes) are issued. If for some reason the project did not go forward, balances could be transferred from reserves. He does not anticipate the need for this. Construction documents could be put out to bid but cannot be awarded. Mr. Boos added that it’s common for contractors to hold their bids for 60-90 days, even 90-120 days. Ms. Hornaday added that the members continue to do whatever they can to get this project on the Bond Commission’s agenda. Mr. Wells said he will continue to tweak the design plan.
Mr. Goldsholl motioned, Ms. Leonard seconded and all agreed to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 PM. None opposed.
Recorded by:                                                                           
                                                                                                Susan Gatcomb, Staff Person
                                                                                                David Goldsholl, Secretary